Classic color scheme, and a fun response to the challenge, you over-achiever using lots of colors and whatnot!
Clue! I used to love that game when I was a kid. This brought back memories. :)
Haha, a very cute response to the challenge.
Ah, Clue, one of my old favorites. Well done.
OMG ! it’s CLUE ! i always chose ms scarlet. she’s the best =]
I love that game…nice story!
creative and funny ficlet
This is cute and very creative.
Funny and unique.
that was great i like it yes i like it alot
love it! love it! i could just hear their voices (or what i imagined them to be) as i read it! best board game ever!!!
kudos to you, I would just repeat everyone else if I typed what I want to say, so…Ditto.
very good. I loved the game clue. i rlly enjoyed reading this.
why oh why does this story remind me of the game Clue?
THX 0477
♠Ana Cristina♥
Batak Beatrix
Howie Amourscow
One Time, One Chance
Alexa ♥
Yeah Write!
Mistress Elsha Hawk
.:band baby:.