.:band baby:.
I will miss you all so very much! Thank you all for the wonderful comments and notes and series on here… If you would like to keep in touch, I’d be delighted!
AIM: ambiie x rose
e-mail: lovelife316@yahoo.com
OMG! ONE YEAR ON FICLETS! woot. 9/20/08
300 ficlets as of 6/20/08
350 ficlets as of 8/10/08
400 ficlets as of 9/20/08
500 ficlets as of 11/20/08
1600 comments as of 6//08
1700 comments as of 7//08
1800 comments as of 8/11/08
2000 comments as of 9/8/08
The new blog is up and running! the FicBlog for us writers starts here: http://ficlets.com/stories/38034
Read it!!!
::gag:: school has started, which means I probably won’t be able to write much… Sorry to all those I’m in a series with!
Wanna start a series?
Send me a note then! =)
I have joined the League of Awesomeness. Yay! I shall now be known as the Sweet Darlin’ of Awesomeness. =D
So I have this amazing boyfriend. And I just thought you all needed to know that, because he is amazingly sweet. Some of you already know… and some of you probably can guess, what with all my sappy love stories that I’ve been writing recently. 8/10/08
New / Favorite
Ficleteers in love (( Tyler and Rose)) with Bartimaeus
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/37835
Them ((Anna and James)) with Lone Wrter
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/12285
Ended / Stalled
Eve and Dante with Never Explain
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/22094
Faith and Bernard with Overlooked_Merchandise
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/25668
Minnie with NightMaiden
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/36889
Vicki and Mara with Nouvelle Bardot
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/39210
Winter and Jay with Flute Loop
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/26499
Letters from Hope with xxpinkislife23
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/37866
Moving ((Brittany and Seth)) with Blusparrow
Start: http://ficlets.com/stories/36994
Stories (553)
What Goes Around Comes Around {Shoulda Coulda Woulda challenge}
Author: .:band baby:.
Published October 30th, 2007
Party Gone Wrong ((uselessness's monologue challenge))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published December 12th, 2007
♥Band Baby♥: A Philosophical Exploration of the Pen Name That is Quite Simple.
Author: .:band baby:.
Published January 2nd, 2008
Sunset at the Beach ((Hardtoexplainmyownfeelins Kiss Challenge))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published January 9th, 2008
A Fun Yet Insane Quiz by Insert Pen Name Here. Yes the Title Grabbed my Attention.
Author: .:band baby:.
Published January 14th, 2008
Memory (uselessness's living descriptions challenge)
Author: .:band baby:.
Published March 28th, 2008
So Many to Pick From! (Flute Faerie's Niceness Challenge)
Author: .:band baby:.
Published April 13th, 2008
Overlooked_Merchandise's Long and Tiring Day ((Name Challenge))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published May 4th, 2008
Oh So... +insert word here+ ((Perfect Moment Ruined Challenge))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published June 30th, 2008
A Ficlet Filled Life ((Wonderful World of Ficlets Challenge))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published July 9th, 2008
A Ficlet's Friend ((wonderful World of Ficlets Challenge))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published July 9th, 2008
I hope I made Bartimaeus' Day! ((make someone's day challenge))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published July 11th, 2008
NaNoWriMo Novel: Ch.7 Dancing with the HIM I Want
Author: .:band baby:.
Published November 24th, 2008
Attention!! Attention!! May I have all your eyes and ears? ((Info Concerning Ficlets Shutting Down...))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published December 4th, 2008
Remembering Old Times and Thanks ((And maybe tearing up a bit))
Author: .:band baby:.
Published December 4th, 2008