
School Auditorium

I walked into Ms. Lapel’s room fighting back the tears. I didn’t want to talk about what had just happened.

“Hi Ms. Lapel. How are you?” I said my usual greeting while desperatly holding back tears.

“Hey Amy,” Ms. Lapel took one look at me and shook her head “Amy. I’m okay if you would like some time alone. Go. Feel better.”

I smiled my thanks and turned to leave through the door I had entered.

I made my way through the school, into the auditorium, and then to the back stairs. I hopped over the DO NOT CROSS sign and climed up to the catwalk. I walked out to the center and laid down. I lay there crying silently for almost 45 minutes. Just as I was getting ready to leave, feeling much better, two guys walked in discussing something. I froze. I sat there, unmoving, and listened.

What did he just say?? Their planning to do what?!

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