
What if...

Bernard’s clothes were rumpled, as was his hair, but in an ahdorable way. He was picking at the breakfast I had made him; I wasn’t talking and he was avioding my question.

Finally he drops his toast and looks me straight in the eyes. “When I told you I loved you I meant it. I didn’t mean to yell at you, it was silly. I stayed here all night to prove to you that I couldn’t leave you. Don’t you see? I am hopelessly and completly devoted to you. Please Faith.. can you forgive me?”

My face crumples. I have never heard someone sound more sincere or vulnerable then Bernard, my Bernard, had sounded right then. A tear escaps my eyes, but I don’t think he saw becuase I am bending over and hugging him.

Tears of joy and of sorrow are now rushing down my face. I knew I hadn’t been true to Bernard these last couple days. I also knew I loved him, or thought I did.

But what if I don’t..?

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