
My Wish Is...

Band Baby looked up from where she say on her floor, eyes wet from her recent tears.

“Oh, darling! What is the matter?!” Jezbel asked, kneeling down next to her.

“Jez, be careful… You know we can not touch the humans.” Fay warned. Jezbel shot Fay a look and Fay sighed, kneeling next to Jezbel. “Now, what’s the matter, dear?”

Band Baby sniffled once and wiped her eyes. Taking a deep breath she began, “My friends have all abandoned me…”
Jezbel cut her off, “We can change that!”

Band Baby shook her head and continued. “I can survive that… but I’ve realized I know longer want to live here…” She took a shaky breath and continued. “I’m in love with a boy, but he lives in another state… My wish is to live near him so we can finally be together.”

Jezbel and Fay looked at each other and nodded once. As soon as Fay flicked her wrist, Band Baby’s mother told her they needed to talk.

The Godmother smiled and Jezbel said, “Off to Misstress Elsha Hawk.”

As the two left Fay said “What names!”

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