His Awesome, But Embarassing, Performance
“So you say you want a revolution, well you know we all want to change the world.” Perz sang along as he vacuumed. “You tell me that it’s evolution
well you know”
“Shh!” I whispered as my brother walked up next to me in my hiding spot. He nodded and peeked around me to see what I was giggling about. He becan to laugh along silently with me when he saw Cousin Perz singing into our vacuum handle.
The song ended and Perz froze waiting for the next song. The cd switched and he started bobbing his head to the song that came on. My brother and I waited patiently for the chorus and Cousin Perz to resume singing. We didn’t need to wait long.
“I am the eggman!” Perz sang out. “They are the eggman!” After each time he would freeze and wait the few seconds between lines. “I am the Walrus ku ku kachoo!”
My brother and I couldn’t resist any longer. We both doubled over laughing, falling into Perz’s sight. When he saw us he got candy-apple red.
“Encore! Encore! Perz that was awesome!” I exclaimed.