
Everything Goes Black

I walk out of school and jump in my car. I don’t want to go home and I can’t be with Bernard, so I drive to the lake by myself.

I sit and watch the sunset. It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, but it’s blurred by the tears that won’t stop falling.

It hurts to be at Bernard and my favorite spot, but it’s the best place to clear my mind.

I can’t believe he’d cheat on me. It just doesn’t make any sense. I was sure he loved me. But if they weren’t together.. who was she? There is no other anwser.. I sigh as the tears return.

I stand up and head towards my car. Making it about half way, I turn and look out over the lake. It truely was beautiful. Gazing out, I remember the first time Bernard had taken me here. He was 10 and I was 8. Oh, so long ago..

With tears still in my eyes I get back in my car. On my way home, I didn’t see a red light and run it. All of a sudden everything goes black.

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