
The Quiz

“No Sir. Ask whatever you like.” I said, layering my voice with false bravado.

“Good answer. Blake move aside will you?” Blake’s dad demanded.
Blake moved away from me and I felt strangly comfortable. I felt ready for anything. But then he started the quiz.

“When did the first Galikon make a house here?” He asked.

Without thinking I immediattly answered, “1783.”

“What was his name?” He shot back.

Her name was Lemeris.” I answered confidently.

“Where did the first Galikon society arise?”

“This is the first Galikon, Sir.” This quiz was easy. I was really glad Blake had told me all of this history on one of our flights.

“My, my young lady. You know alot about our society.” Blake’s dad said as he began to clap.

I stood there and just smiled. “Does this mean I have passed the quiz, uhm, Sir?”

“You’ve done very well Aea. And you may call me Ben for the time being.” Ben said. “Shall we eat then?”

Blake walked back towards me looking as confused as I felt.

“Yes Dad.” He said.

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