
Blake's Dad

We walked out of the little cabin together, hand-in-hand. Neither of us were happy, but we knew this had to be done. The short walk seemed to crawled by.

Blake had taught me so much about the Galikons. As we walked I went over facts in my head. There were so many I struggled to keep them straight. I wasnt exactly sure why I was thinking about all Blake had said and done with me, but I had a feeling I was going to be permitted to remember it for much longer.

We arrived at the castle at about mid-day. I stopped mid-step and gaped at the castle. It was so much bigger standing only feet from it. Blake tugged my arm a bit and we walked in.

The castle was confusing. I knew I wouldn’t be able to find my way back out by myself. It took us a good five minutes to get to the throne room where Blake’s dad was waiting.

“Ah! Good, good. I knew you’d come.” Blake’s dad had the loudest voice I’ve ever heard. It nearly knocked me off my feet.

“Now that your here, mind if I give you a little quiz Aea?”

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