
Winning Point ((THX's defensive challenge))

“Okay, so they tend to kick the ball to the left.. so if you stand there and I pitch we should be able to get them out.” I whisper to my best friend, Amy.

“Hurry up and pitch, will ya?” My brother, Pax, yells.

I nodded and walk over to “pitcher’s mound”, throwing the ball once there. The big, blue ball bounces slightly and the light breeze blows it off course, but Pax kicks it anyways.. to the right.

Amy runs after it and positions herself under it. Just above her reach, the wind kicks up and blows it down the street. Amy takes off to get it. I run towards Pax as his friend, Holt, scores a run. I grab onto Pax, even though I know that is technicall illeagle.

“Throw it!” I yell to Amy as my brother breaks free. She does, but completly misses and Pax scores the winning point.

Amy and I drop to the ground in defeat. We are laughing so hard at our failed attempts to beat our brothers at kickball. “Next time!” I say, laughing.

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