
How Could You?

“Brittany..” His whispering my name sent a shiver running through my spine.

“Oh Seth” I wishpered back. I pulled back a little and gazed into his glassy green eyes. They had always been my favorite part of him. From there, I moved my eyes to take in his lean nose and then his ful lips. He kissed me playfully again and I gigled as his shaggy, but adorable brown hair tickeled my skin.

He smiled at me with his sloppy, full toothed grin and I returned it. But there was now a sudden saddness in his eyes.

“Is everything ok, Seth?” I asked him. He took a long look at me, seeming to take everything in for one last time. “Seth.. your scaring me..”

“Brit.. I’m moving in exactly one month.” He said, completly ruining the moment between us. I pulled away even more.

“Are you serious?” I asked completly shocked. How was I suppose to respond to somethng like that?! “How could you do this to me?!”

Now it was his turn to look shocked.

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