
Aprupt Ending ((Not the end of the series!!))

Seth laughs with me, and I know he doesn’t mind savng some money. That is so like him. The waiter returns with our appetizer and takes our order.

The crap cakes were delicious. Seth and I talked and joked just like old times. I could almost forget what loomed ahead like a rain cloud drifting ever closer to rain on our parade.

As we were ordering desert my phone buzzed. I pull it out to see I have a text message from my mom.

u need 2 come home now! dads in the hospital

I gasped and looked up grave eyed at Seth.

“What?” Seth asked, worry flooding his eyes and coated his voice.

“My dad’s… in the hospital…” I choked out. I felt numb. I could hear Seth talking to the waiter, getting the check, and helping me to his car.

I wasn’t listening to anythng on the way to my house, although it seemed like Seth was trying to calm me down. We arrived to find my house a flurry of activity.

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