
Prince Blake

“Aea I persume, come with me Ms.” The strange little man said in the deepest voice I have ever heard.
“Uh.. uhm.. S..Sir?” I stuttered. “ who..”

“No time for formalities, Ms. Ratharius said to get you and get back to the safety.” He said and started off the way I was heading. I hurried to catch up. For such a short man, he sure walks fast.
“Uh.. Sir? Who’s.. Ratharius?” I asked when I had caught up.

The man stopped cold and looked at me. All of the blood had drained from his face. “You are Aea, am I correct Ms.?”
“Yes Sir. Should I know him?” I asked, confusion spread across my face.

“No, no Ms. Well yes. But by a different name. Excuse me for the confusion. Prince Blake has sent me to save you, Ms.” The man straightened up a little as he said Blake’s name.

I felt relief wash over me. Wait Prince?!
“S..Sir? He’s.. Did you say Prince Blake?” I asked.
“Yes, Ms. Is there a problem, Ms.?” He asked, genuinly concered.

“He never told me he’s a Prince.” I said shakely.

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