
Post-it Note Life

Where is that dang post-it note pad. I know I put it around here somewhere… I thought while searching through all the paper in my drawer. Aha, here it is. Now..what did I want to write on it..?

I got up from the floor. Oh yes. Remember to buy more post-it notes I scrawled on the post-it. I walked to the fidge and read the post-it note there. Eat the eggs before they rot, my sloppy writing told me. I pulled the note off and got the eggs out.

After breakfast I went up to my closet. I pulled out the offit with the orange post-it note on it. Orange for Monday. I smiled at my system.

I got dressed and went into my car. The pink sticky note there asked me Keys? Papers? Briefcase? Got them? Good, your off to work.

People called me crazy. I have post-it notes all over my house. Any one else would be completly shocked walking into my house. But for me, the post-it notes are a comfort. I never forget anything anymore. This is my system, it doesn’t work for everyone.

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