
The Imposter

He..what…where’s…coming..But I.. To many thoughts were in my head. I did know that I did not wake up in my Blake’s arms.But if it wasn’t him…who was it? I tried to remember the previous night. I knew for certain I fell asleep on Blake’s massive back. How did Blake not reliaze someone was taking me? And who took me?? Where was he when I needed him?

As quietly as I could I went back to the room I had woken up in. “Blake” was there still seemingly fast asleep. I walked slowly to the bathroom, locking myself inside. Once I was sure the imposter hadn’t heard me, I cried. I cried for what seemed like a long time. There was so much to deal with. I was in a strange place, with a strange man, and neither was very comforting.

After what seemed like hours, I came out of the bathroom. My hair was a mess, my cheeks tear stained, and my eyes blood shot, but I didn’t care. The stranger was sitting on a couch I don’t remember.

“You ok Aea?” He asked sweetly, and I knew I had to pretend to know nothing.

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