
Just Random Doodles

I walked to my next class as fast as I could without running or bumping into anyone. I was extremely glad I had art next, it would give my a chance to unwind. I was the last one in class, but I made it just as the bell rang.

Mr. McMinn is one of the strictest teachers when it comes to silly rules like tardies, ID bages, and other stuff. He gave me a glare as I slide into my seat, which I returned with a sheepish shrug of my own. The only good thing about Mr. McMinn was he let you do your own thing after the bell.

I began doodling on my sketch pad, trying to get my mind off other things. We had just started our first pencil sketch of the year, and I had no idea what to do mine on.

After about 10 minutes of absent-minded doodling I looked down at my page. I gasped silently and crumpled up the page of those two boys’ prank. There is no way the can pull this off.. I think to myself. I’ll talk to Beth about it after school.. see what she says. I resolved as I began to doodle again.

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