
Chance Encounter?

I couldn’t help but to have noticed Kyle watching me, some what longingly. I give him a once over, but quickly turn my attention back to Ryan. Ryan is a little.. clingy.. to me. He freaks whenever I even look at some other guy too long.

“Jamie?” Ryan asked, snapping my attention imediatly back to him.

“Yeah, I’d love to go to your parents house this weekend.” I reassured him.

“Oh. Cool. I didn’t think you were listening to me.” Gosh he sounds like the female in this relationship..

“Jamie and Ryan! Pay attention please.” Mrs. Chez scolded.

We both turned our bodies to face front, but almost immediatly Ryan handed me a note and we continued discussing our plans until the bell rand. Outside the classroom door, Ryan kissed me goodbye and scurried off to class.

As soon as he was out of sight I heard my name being called. I turned to see none other then Kyle waving me over to him.

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