
Warm Weather Can Make All Things Better

I drove South for a few hours. Once I had hit the next city, I realized it wasn’t far enough. I needed to get out of this state. I continued driving until I passed the sign I was looking for.

Welcome to Arizona!

My whole body relaxed once I had crossed the state border. I hadn’t realized how tense every muscle in my body had been for the past four hours. I pulled off into the first rest stop to stretch.

The sun warmed my skin instantly. I walked around a bit, probably looking like very scary with make-up all down my face and blotchy red eyes. I laughed at the thought of myself and then hurried into the bathroom.

I was right, I did look unbelievable scary. I washed my face clean of make-up and pulled back my hair. I had left my purse in the car so I couldn’t reaply my make-up, but now that my hair was up and face clean I looked much better. I also felt better.

I walked back outside smiling. It must be the weather I thought as I turned on my car radio and tried to figure out where to go.

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