Split Personality?
Emily immediatly filled with a mixture of dread, fear, and hate of the Wonderball. As she continued to stare at the little ball in her hand, it rumbled and rang with growing intensity. Emily quickly thought of what to do before the Wonderball exploded in her hands, sending her into a coma and possibly killing Dana.
Just then the Wonderball clicked and both Emily and Dana’s eyes flashed to it.
“What?!” Emily breathed aloud. She started at the Wonderball in amazement. The ringing supsided, if only slightly, and the rumbling slowed a bit. It seemed to Emily the Wonderball, well.. half of it.. , was trying to stop the other half from exploding in her hands.
Emily looked up franticly and met Dana’s eyes. She saw Dana’s eyes scream “Do something!”
Yet Emily just stood there frozen, as if she were star-struck with her mouth slightly agap. She just stared at her friend, who’s eyes grew more and more alarmed as the seconds ticked by.