

I walk into my silent house. Usualy there was never a peacful moment around here what with my parents constently fighting.

“Hello?” I call out. I get no answer so I walk to my garage. I look and see Dad’s car is home but Mom’s is gone. Odd…

“Dad?” I call again, walking upstairs.

“In here.” I hear his voice, but it sounds stressed and years older then it had this morning.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I enter his room, stopping short as I see him zipping a suitcase.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie.” Dad says, his voice cracking. He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me, holding me close to him. I hear a sob escape his lips and my heart breaks.

“Dad! No, don’t leave.” I beg, tears slowly rolling down my cheecks. Dad pulls away and I notice his cheeks are tearstained.

“I have something for you.” He tells me, handing me a bag and wiping my cheeck. He kisses my head and then takes his bag and walks out of the room. In the bag is a stuffed animal and a note that reads:

I’ll always love you

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