
Ice Cream with Jake

Saturday came to quickly. Jake and her were going to get ice cream at a shop near his house. Chelsea was, of course, over at Lindsay’s helping her get ready.

“You sure your up to this Linds?” Chelsea asked as she got up and started fixing Lindsay’s hair.
“Yeah. And if it goes’ll be home right Chels?” Linsday’s voice shook as she thought of what could happen.
“I should be Linds.” Chelsea wrapped her arms around her best friend’s shoulders. “It’ll all work out.”
“Yeah.. I should get going.. Bye Chels.” Lindsay flashed her a fake smile and got in the car to go.

She arrived just in time to see Sarah, a girl who Lindsay knew liked Jake, drive away. Lindsay rang the doorbell and waited, completly ready to hound on Jake about why Sarah was over. His mom answered the door.

“Oh.. uhm.. Hi Lindsay.. Were you and Jake suppose to hang out today?”
“Yeah, we were.” Lindsay said a little confused. “Didn’t he tell you?”

“Yes, didn’t he tell you? He’s sick again.”

“Oh” Lindsay said, hurt. BS!

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