Dressed for the Occassion?
The food was delicious. Everyone was talking and laughing and having a good time. Towards the end of the meal I noticed Blake and his father practically staring at each other, neither blinked. I shot a questioning thought to Blake. He ignored me, so I sat siltently and wait until he told me what was going on.
Five minutes later, Blake responded. Dad seems to be okay with us.. Just felt like freaking us out and needed an excuse to kidnap your parents..
Because that makes alot of sense! I shot back and started laughing. Blake started laughing too, realizing how stupid it had sounded. Both of our parents looked at us and we quieted down.
“Let’s dance!” Ben exclaimed suddenly. Servants rushed out and cleared the tables and chairs away. One maid walked up to me, personally.
“Ma’am? if you’ll follow me, I have a dress waiting that should be just your size.” She said and began to walk off. It wasn’t until she had said this that realized everyone else was dressed for the occassion. So I followed her.