
Reds, and Yellows, and Greens

She walked, a ook hugged to her chest, down her favorite trail. There were no cars on this all but forgotten dirt road. The trees over heard, meeting in the center of the road, sheltered her from the glaring sun.

They gleamed briliant shades of red, yellow, and green. A light autumn breeze played with her hair, and caused the leaves to dance around her.

She stopped when she got to her favorite spot. It was an ancient oak, with a perfect niche at its base for her to sit and read. She did just that and walcomed the familiar scents around her.

She opened her book and immediately got lost within its pages, gratful to have time to read. Gracel crunching nearby pulled her out of her trance-like state.

“Excuse me, Miss..” A young man said, stopping in front of her. He looked about twenty with handsom features. He stared down at her with remarkably blue eyes. His brown hair blew about playfully in the wide and he had a smile on his lips.

She looked up and a smile sprung to her lips when their eyes met.

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