
Caught Red Handed

The talk with Angela’s father was comforting, but alittle unnerving. He told me all about why I was treated with such high respect.

“We are in danger, Anya. You are the one who will save us from Them. He had told me. I didn’t like the idea of facing Them only, but I knew I had to.

“A Goddess, with the name of beauty shall walk through your gates. She shall be cold and lonely. Feed her, clothe her, and treat her as one of your own and she shall repay you kindly.” That was the prophecy he had read to me.

Walking down the hall back to my room, I heard voices. I peered around the corner and saw Angela and James acting a bit to friendly for my liking. I stayed where I was and listened.

“Why do you like Anya, James? I can gve you so much..more.” Angela said.

“Because..she’s… well.. uhm.” He was fallng for her, and I knew it. I was just going to turn around when Angela started leaning towards James. Oh no she doesn’t!

I walked right up to them. “Hi James. Angela.” Gotcha!

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