
Different Sized Hearts

On her way to English, Eve couldn’t help but smile. Dante certainly was cute.

“Ms. Eve, take your seat, and I am assuming this will be the last time you walk into my class late?” Mrs. Bailey said looking at me over her horn-rimmed glasses.

“Yes Mrs. Bailey.” She said taking her seat.

Eve hated English, and had a hard time paying attention. Today, Dante was on her mind the entire hour making it impossible for her to concentrate. Luckily they were reading a book Eve had already read.

Eve opened her note book and started doodling. Something she hadn’t done in awhile. By the end of the hour an entire page was covered in different sized hearts. The bell rang and she shoved her books in her bag.

She left the classroom thinking. Where have I seen him before..? She wondered.

Her body was on autopilet, so she wasn’t paying attention to what or who was around her. She reached for her locker automatically, but she felt someone standing there instead. She looked up.

“Dante!” She exlaimed startled.

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