Brain Surgery; A Diary :part II
October 24,2007
Dr. Zermutuwandbura came in to schedule my surgery.
I wanted the seizures to end. But I was nervous. I had this same surgery 6 years ago, they didn’t go deep enough. I was seizure free for about 11 months but the seizures returned.
When I have an epileptic seizure, I black out for less than a minute, but I am foggy and unfocused when I come out of it. I am told my head turns to the right, my eyes close and when I am lucid again, I do not even know I was out. I have never seen myself on video having a seizure. I am not sure I want to, it would be too surreal , it would weird me out.
October 25,2007
They shaved my head today in preparation for tomorrows surgery. I felt my bald head and was reluctant to look at myself in the mirror. Not too bad, I’m no Vin Diesel. LOL .
Scotty visited today and took my picture, I asked him too. He took off his hat and he was bald too. He could pass for Vin Diesel.
I hope after my surgery that I am seizure free.