
In Media's Res. {Stovohobo Challenge}

Harold left early for the farmer’s market; she hoped he had enough cash to purchase the tree.They used the avoirdupois system to price them. Clara climbed the stairs to the attic. How glad she was that she took the time last yr to sort through the Christmas boxes.
45 yr’s of Christmases creates more than just memories. She walk through the boxes and pulled the cord.The bare light bulb cast moving shadows on the walls and her grandmother’s dusty gramophone ; a small stack of records sat on the table beside it. She turned the crank, music began to play crackling, static and all.
A wooden trunk sat caddy cornered next to it, lid open. She had been a Christmas bride. She pulled her dress from the trunk and held it against her, swirling around she noticed the dried up boutonniere that had fallen to the floor.
She reached for it in media’s res she heard a horn honking, Clara rushed to the window to see Harold’s truck barreling through the pasture, she smiled. He had tied a wreath to the cowcatcher .

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