
Searching For a pLOT IN A pLOTLESS StORY 7

But no00 batfans this was not the end, but the…..DUN ..DUN… DUN … the beginning!

The plot it thickens like jelly, cause jam don’t shake like that.

There it was shaking like a bowl full of corn.
The cow that jumped over the sun had it and wouldn’t let go no matter how hard I tried to pry it from it’s cold dead hands.. err hoofs.

Chasing the plot is exhausting, runnin & runnin in squares chasing it’s tales.. where it stops nobody nose. How big it grows.. never to end.. ceasing to be or not to be that is the answer we all wanna know.

But wait.. there’s more, tune in to the next exciting segment of AS the Plot In a Plotless StorY continues…

Dun…Dunn… Duun..

Same Ficlet station.

Same ficlet Channel.

Will the Plot be found in time??
Will anyone care???
Will anyone be brave enough to sequel this




wait for it…


It’s for you to decide.




The plot in a Plotless story to


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