Searching for A Plot in a Plotless Story 8...billion
“No we don’t!” cried the audience in grape-flavored contrast.
So doo doo be boop, the plot will go oooooooon
And on.
Suddenly I was following Misty May through the fires of Avalon when I saw a glimmering moustache over the mouth of the river Styx. I hopped on my gondola and paid sixpence to navigate the halls of montezuma and returned without the slightest clue as to WHAT
I turned and fled swiftly with leaden feet. I sank through time and hit rock bottom, and there it was in front of me: the port. No, I mean the plot! As I gripped it the plot warmed my thoughts…
We now return to the regularly scheduled program, _ Sea Turtles On Ice. Watch as they gallantly slide to and for, around and about, four flippers feebly flapping for freedom…_
The plot broke free! My mind, a myriad of crocodile tears and thugonometry, I splintered a javelin and hoola hooped on, Joe.
I knew my journey wasn’t over. It’s never over til the fat old man breaks wind.