
Prison Escape Plan [Stovohobo's 5 Word Challenge]

I shall begin my tale in medias res, then retrace and tell you how I got involved in the imbroglio.

Due to Stan’s avoirdupois , he couldn’t fit through the tunnel with the rest of the gang.

Our escape had been planned for weeks. Roger would loudly play the warden’s gramophone, Pavarotti, the volume cranked up, to hide the sounds of our digging.

Once outside the prison walls, we were to meet up with a man in a gray suit and a red boutonniere, it sounded so simple.

I never should have gotten involved with those hooligans. But the money sounded good, and the job was easy enough. Just attach a cowcatcher to my SUV , drive through the bank, grab the loot and skedaddle.

“Easy as pie,” Stan had said, he always thought of food.

Stan was rotund. During our getaway he was out of breath, Roger and I went back to try and drag him to my SUV ,cowcatcher still attached.
That’s when the Chicago PD showed up.

We were sentenced to twenty years.

And got another ten for trying to escape.

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