
The One and Only Ross Family Traveling Show{ OTOC challenge}

“Wow,” Said Cee Cee after meeting all of Joe’s siblings after the play they performed. “That was the best production of The Sound of Music I’ve ever seen. Lucy, you were terrific as Maria Von Trapp.”

“How was I Cee Cee?,” asked one of the twins.

“O Nate you were spectacular as the Nazi, you were totally believable,” said Cee Cee, pleased with herself for remembering his name.

Nate beamed with pride.

“How bout me?,” a tiny voice squeaked.

“O, Tim, you were the best of all,” said Cee Cee.

“If you think that was a great show,” said Joe, “Wait until Christmas when they put on their traveling production of A Christmas Carol.”

“I get to Play Scrooge this year,” Said George.

“Guess who I Play?,” squeaked the small voice of Tiny Tim, the youngest of the Ross children.

“Why only the most important role of all, Tiny Tim of course,” Joe exclaimed.

“Oh, I wanted Cee Cee to guess,” Tiny Tim pouted.

“Joe, why aren’t you in these family shows?,” Cee Cee asked.

“Umm ….I… err,” stammered Joe.

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