While I cannot endorse the atrocious spelling and grammar mistakes of Writer Buff, I must say that I agree with the sentiment. There are a myriad of other social websites where iPod playlists and other such pleasantries can be exchanged. I would ask those engaging in those pursuits to please redirect their energies into producing short, creative works of fiction. I, for one, would like to read what you come up with. Your musical preferences and assorted challenges…not so much.
I disagree. Even if you attend a symposium on quantum physics, at some point someone will discuss with their neighbor what they had for dinner last night or a neat song they heard on the radio while driving to the high-brow meeting. It’s human nature to find ways to relate to one another. If it’s not what you want to read, don’t click on it. If it is, join in what is basically an attempt by several authors to connect on another level so as to better understand one another’s work.
so by your logic, you’ve just wasted this ficlet space, not writing a short stroy, but to complain about others not using the site for it’s intended purpose. I for one love the challenges and some of the best ficlets have resulted in challenges. Sometimes we run out of ideas to write about and the challenges give me and I’m sure other ficleteers something to write about that they might not have thought of w/o the challenges. I
See we all make speling mistakes in both the ficlet and the comments.. but you can go back and edit the ficlet, but not the comment section. Lot of spelling mistakes for a mature adult
Haha good 1.CREATIVE commons means if u got inspiration, write it! i dont care if its your dinner menu(altho im prbly not gonna read it)I gotta go w/ THX on this 1
First ficlet troll I’ve seen yet. This is adding to the very same degeneration you’re accusing us of, and every commenter, including me, couldn’t resist. How “dear” we…
I agree with Kermit and THX . Why does it matter what we share as long as we’re sharing? I don’t think ficlets is just for stories, I think its for people to share opinions, expieriences and fiction. Just because we can. I think ficlets is a place to express your self. A place where you can truly be yourself, where only a couple of people know you personally. Ficlets is a place where you can be completely, totally strange and no one makes fun of you because their doing it too.
If it’s written, it’s written. Who cares if it’s the next great American novel or a list of favorite songs as long as somebody (in this case a whole lot of people) took to time and effort to write it. I agree with Lone Writer…this is the place where everbody fits in. Even the people with bad grammar…
I think of the challenges as partly superfun and partly really good for inspiration. I’ve only entered two, but other’s entries are very good and would be great even without the challenge as a prequel. I’m sorry that you feel that way, Writer Buff, but i half to agree with the people above me: Challenges=good.
I agree with THX , Kermit, and Lone Writer. Most of the ficlets I’ve written have been inspired by a challenge. Does it really matter, thought, wether you write an awsome story or your favorite songs as long as your writing? I think not..
The amazing thing about this site is to each his own and if don’t care for what you see you don’t have to click it, plus this site is rated E for everyone.
alright. everybody’s busting on Writer Buff.. ..and i’m going to continue busting. writing is serious work and should be taken seriously, i agree. but isn’t there enough friken stress in life? why not write down what u had for dinner, or your favorite music? your expressing yourself in a different type of way than what your used to. just like my definition of weird: W: wasn’t E: exactly [wht] I: i R: regularly D: do. and plus, young-uns rule. REVOLUTION !
THX 0477
The Ghost in the Machine
More Than Meets The Eyes
Lone Writer
Lone Writer
Saint Chuck
Insert Pen Name Here
.:band baby:.
One Time, One Chance