
The Great Equalizer

Roland turned to his Boston Terrier and said, “You can’t go with me Brady, so quit begging. You know what happened last time. This time there’s lots out there.”

Roland was reffering to the recent attack on his dog by the crows. Brady was lucky Roland was there.

No one knows why they changed, but they have turned violent. Swarms were attacking any small animal or child, and almost always resulting in death. There were even a few reports of large groups of crows killing full grown adults.

Scientists were unsure of the reasons behind the change in the mentality of crows. Some blamed the change in global temperature, others blamed it on the extinction of owls, the main enemy of crows.

Roland dismissed the owl theory. How many crows have died worldwide since the attacks started? Millions upon millions. The shotgun was the great equalizer, and maybe he should get one he thought to himself.

“Ahh, they’ve never bothered me.” Roland said to himself as he left his house. ” And I hate guns.”

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