
Gods Work Shall Be Done

I walked into the room. Thomas started up from the table. He looked shocked to see me. The seductress must have altered his memory. I couldn’t show myself to her. She might get me under her evil spell. I know God will protect me. I am his faithful servant. But I couldn’t risk it. Not now. I hid in the kitchen. He couldn’t see me there.
After the she-devil left, Tommy started to clean up. I was waiting for him in the kitchen.
“What are you doing here?” He said, so startled he dropped the plates.
“Waiting for you. And doing the work of God.”
“Get out of my house. Now”
“Not until the deed is done.” I said. A tear escaped my eye as I spoke. I didn’t want to do it. But it was Gods work. And what He wills shall be done.
I took the knife, and tried to block out the screams.

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