What really happened that night, only I know. I know there was not another man in the house. I made that up. I lied. I know. But God will forgive. He always forgives the faithful. And I am faithful.
Thomas had locked the door. He had forgotten that I was coming over again. It was fine. I would surprise him. I loved him so much.
I picked the lock, like I always did. And I walked in. Past the coathanger where he hung up his jacket after work. Then past the living room. He always put his feet up on the coffee table when he was unwinding after a hard day of work.
Then into the dining room. Where I saw him. And italic her italic. That witch. That devil woman. She seduced him. He never would love her. With her dark wavy hair, and deep, dark, blood-lips. Spawn of the devil. Temptress.
She was eating with him. At our table. With our wine. Eating food that he bought with his own money.
I couldn’t take it. I had to save him. I had to save Thomas.