What scares you the mostâ€?? She asked “I don’t knowâ€? I said “not much anymoreâ€?. But thoughts of the question ran through my head over and over. I’ve been a fan of horror and all things occult for as long as I can remember. By now I think that I’ve seen it all. And by seen it all, I mean imagination wise, I have not been a witness to anything truly supernatural. If something like that really went down, I think I might just have a heartattack. Thinking again about the question, what does really scare me? Again the same answer comes to mind “not much anymoreâ€?. It’s not playing the gory video games or even the movies that have desensitized me; it’s what’s on the news and in the papers. I can’t understand how people have lost their humanity and can be so down right cruel to each other. Fathers putting their newborn babies in the microwave, Mothers pushing their kids off a bridge, Teenagers stabbing their families to death, things are getting way out of hand. People can’t be that evil, it has to be something else.