Chopping Wood
When Justin walked outside, his Father was chopping logs with the ax. He raised the ax above his 6’ 5” frame, and brought it down on top of the icy log, splitting it with one swing. “Let the blade cut the wood, Justin. I chose these shorter timbers so you won’t have such a hard time. Look for cracks in the wood and aim there. Here, give it a try.”
Justin raised the ax and brought it down with an arcing motion on top of the first log. The ax met its mark, splitting it into two symmetrical pieces. “Like that, Dad?”
“Nice work – keep your feet apart and follow through. Good. There’s a certain peace in chopping wood – clears the mind,” Drew said, placing his hand on Justin’s shoulder. “Now cross-stack them into ricks so they’ll dry faster and burn easier. Remember how, son?”
Justin looked up at Drew, enjoying the rare smile on his Father’s face. He reached for a larger log and continued working. “Yes sir. I’ll stack ‘em into cords like I used to for Grandpa – 4 feet high and 4 feet wide.”