
Big Love for Ero

” ‘Ey, Ero, what’s up, bro?” said the tall African man Ero knew as “Big Luv.” Big Luv was pimp to just about every woman on 104th, and dealer to all the men who knew them. The man practically owned 104th, so he knew exactly what was “up.”

“Dude, I haven’t had a fix all day, and it’s getting to be about time I went home for the night. ‘Kin ya hook me up?” Ero fidgeted and rubbed his arms, as he looked nervously around.

Of course he could hook him up, he was Big Luv.

“Yeah, man, ‘course I can hook you up.” Big Luv put his arm around Ero’s back. As he began guiding Ero toward his harem, Big Luv continued. “Ero, I’ve got a wonderful proposition for ya.”

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