
A bond in a time of need

Yelling was heard below, a girl lay curled up in bed, covers over her head, hands pressed to her ears in attempt to tune it out. The yelling stopped and there was silence. She took her hands from her ears and listened for sound, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and removed the covers sitting on her bed. The door opened and her mom stood there staring at her looking beat up. She got off her bed and walked to her mom.
Her mom was crying by the time she made it to her.
�Are you okay?� she asked her voice a whisper in fear of her dad hearing.
Her mom picked up her up walking to her bed, holding her close. She felt her mom sit down hugging her, tears hit her head. “Yes… I’m fine” her mom answered, rocking.
She looked up at her mom, knowing she was hurting… “It’ll be okay,â€? she whispered, wiping tears off her mom’s eyes and hugged her mom.
“I know Sera we won’t be here forever,â€? Her mom said as she set her in bed and walked to the door. “Goodnight Seraâ€? with that she watched her mom close the door.

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