A day in my life (part I) - Autobiography Challenge
Alarm goes off. Get up. Look across room at alarm. Lie back down. Go back to sleep.
Wake up (because now the radio is playing what sounds to be Micheal Bolton, and that’s enough to wake the dead). Go across room. Turn off alarm.
Walk out of bedroom into hallway. Stop (for no apparent reason).
Try to remember what it is you’re supposed to be doing.
Notice you’re still in your pajamas. Realise you should get dressed and go to work.
Walk back in bedroom. Get dressed. Go downstairs to kitchen. Sit at table.
Realise that you never brushed your teeth, showered or shaved. Go back upstairs. Get undressed. Go into bathroom.
Brush teeth, shower, shave.
Get dressed.
Go downstairs to kitchen. Sit at table. Stare at table. Wonder what’s missing from table.
Get bowl, cereal, milk. Fill bowl with cereal, pour milk. Put bowl on table. Stare at bowl. Stare longer at bowl. Vainly attempt to figure out why you aren’t eating.
Get spoon. Eat breakfast.
Gather coat, keys, laptop, lunch. Head for the door.