
I'm Getting Old

I know I’m getting old.

I also know that I’m too young to say I’m getting old. But kids are just changing too fast these days.

It’s like there’s two whole generations between kids born 1989-90 and kids born in 1993 or later. I don’t know what happened.

I guess it’s because many of them can’t remember a time before iPods? Or remember what a Gameboy was like without color? Or maybe they don’t remember what Pokemania was like…or possibly they remember it all too well.

I’m not quite sure what it is, all I know is that I feel old around anyone younger than fifteen. I really shouldn’t feel that way, I’m only two years older, so what’s the difference? Where did I lose my connection with my fellow 90s kids?

Maybe it’s going to college before my time that has changed me, but I do rather miss the days when I could enjoy a conversation with anyone, and not be completely lost if they’re more than 2 years younger than me.

I feel old.

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