I think I’m done for a while… I’ll sit back and let others keep it going. These recap ficlets hopefully covered everything major up to this point and thus will let new (and old) readers understand what’s happening with a bit of ease — or relative ease.
We are back on solid track now, I think. We were derailed, of course, by me with my many digressions so I tried to reset things right.
And The Baron is still there, but he’s too weak to really talk.
Yeah, it’s my fault the lich lady (Dr. Stephanie Gage) fell to the wayside. She was all over the beginning and then Tarzan tried bringing her back up, but the ball never seemed to roll. And it is my fault… I never picked that ball up. In the most apologetic way: “My bad.”
Now I feel like I’ve been hogging this ficlet. Don’t discount the many parts by Tarzan or — to a lesser extent — Howie. Plus, quite a few others have contributed a piece here or there.
favorite line: I dabble with style. . We were derailed, of course, by me with my many digressions so I tried to reset things right. Yeah, but they were interesting digressions, so I’ll forgive.
Fyora Cartagan
Fyora Cartagan
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Alexa ♥