CYSS (Band Baby 4 Life Challenge)
I haven’t been the same since I was diagnosed.
NEVER would I have dreamed that I would become a statistic, a member of the elite group of people who suffer from this illness.
CYSS doesn’t differentiate between male or female. It favors no race or nationality. It can strike anyone – at anytime! One day you’re perfectly normal, the next day you’re driving down the road and suddenly you slam on the brakes! You have to stop! You must get out!
It is not known if CYSS is contagious. Some people never acquire it. Some are affected by it at a later age. Some people, but not very many, are born with it!
There is no medication to help you. Self-discipline seems to be the only thing that works. There are no meetings that you can attend with others who are afflicted.
There are no special license plates but there ARE bumper stickers warning others of your problem!
I’m still in shock but in my heart, I know it’s true. What else could it be?
I suffer from CYSS …........Chronic Yard Sale Shopper!