
The winners to my challange!!!(Hiaku challange..duh!)

I finally had time!!!! So here they are, the winners of the hiaku challenge..
1)”The rain came down”- by Mycroft
2)”Because”- by Ana Cristina
3)”Waging war on a lover”- byYeah Write!
and I also have a #4, becaus eI thought it deserved it,
4)”Moon & sun”- by Insert Pen Name Here

Honorable Mentions
1)”Thinking petals”- by Horrorfan13
2)”Cat’s & dogs”- by kermitgorf (you hounor never fails to amuse me)
3) “The lake”- by Far Tamen

and another award because she went above and beyond,
One Time One Chance
with “Just…just stop it okay?!?!?!?”
because you had so many!!!!
Thank you all that participated,I loved them all and getting so many really made my day!
luv u ALL alwys!,
Keen 13

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