ALRIGHT !!!!=]=]=]=]=]this is officially my first contest that i’ve actually gotten an award [gasps echo around the world] so thxx!~and congrats-a-lations to everybody else.
wow thanx for the honorable mention, i didn’t think i wrote peoms that well, am I’m glad i never fail to amuse you!!
wah. I guess the only challenge I’ll ever have an award in is the STOVOHOBO FIRST FICLET SEQUEL CHALLENGE . oops.
Woah! I just discovered this! It’s only been 4 months! well, anyway, AWESOME ! Thanks so much, Keen 13/Sailor Emo!
well lol yeah write! I just discovered it today- that’s only like eight months! Well thank you :):):)
One Time, One Chance
Mask By The Moon
Yeah Write!
Insert Pen Name Here