
The Purple Rose, Part Two

...but I get through by myself. This job barely keeps me living, and my sleeping arangements arent very nice (I have to share a bed with two very fat maids), but at least I can keep myself alive.
Today had already started out horible. My room was so crammed that I had a hard time getting to my clothes. I was already late by the time I grabbed them and Mrs.McLaughlin was screaming at me to fetch the water for the days chores.
“Might as well be late now,” I said to myself. “It doesnt matter if they take my pay away. While walking back to the house, I noticed something wedged in the cobble-stone in front of my feet. I noticed that it was no larger than my pinky nail. As I looked closer, I saw that it was a rose, a purple one to be exact. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, and then looked to see if there was an inscription. On the back it said, “To my dearest Lucy, happy birthday.”
I put it in my pocket and while on my way back, woudered who Lucy was. Could it be a lost love? A secret crush?

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