
The Book of Mona 17

“Sit”, Pay said to her. When she was seated, her sister looked sadly into her eyes and asked, “You ok”. “No, I want to go home”, Mona said. “Ok, I’ll get Michael to drive you back”. “No, I’ll call a cab or something”, Mona said. Payton got up from the chair and said,”I’ll go get Michael.” The last thing she wanted to do was be stuck in a car with Michael. Why was her sister so stubborn. Before she knew it Michael was in front of her asking, You ready?”She didn’t say a word, just got up and followed behind him. He tryed to take her hand but she snatched it away, “I’m fine”.So he walked a head of her. She walked slowly behind him out of the house and to the car.She waited on the passenger side until he unlocked the door.She opened the door and slid in, slammed the door a little to hard.”You ok”,he asked her as he slid into to the drivers side.She nodded her head and turned towards the side window so she wouldn’t have to look at him.He started the car and took off down the road. It was the longest car ride ever.

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