
Gwen's POV: Ghost in the Closet

I really didn’t want to go get Mommy, but she kept making noise. I shushed her but she kept rattling my hangers. I can’t stand that sound.

Sadie said she was my invisible friend. She kept the Thing under the bed, under the bed. I would hear it rumbling beneath and she would lunge from the closet and make her scary face. I tried to not look when she did that because it scared me too.

Raggedy Rabbit liked Sadie, most days. Sometimes, though, Raggedy Rabbit told me to send her away. I don’t know exactly what she wants yet. She said something about a purpose. I only know what purpose is when I do something because I want to. Whether Mommy says I should or not.

But, tonight, Sadie was unusually noisy. The Thing under the bed even stayed away because of her foul mood. She kept dragging hangers and flipping paper balls at me when I closed my eyes.

I couldn’t even have a tea party tonight. Now Mommy finally saw her. I don’t know if she saw the scary face. I closed my eyes when Mommy stopped breathing.

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