Mommy Remembers Sadie
I could not keep the shock from my face no matter how hard I tried. I didn’t want to scare Gwen any more than she already was. However, she didn’t seem scared. I looked at her.
Her smiling green eyes met mine and she flooped back on the bed, Raggedy Rabbit finding his way under the covers next to her.
I looked back at the closet. She was still there, the ghost I mean. And she was smiling. She flicked a paper wad at me, pouting. I swatted it and moved closer to the closet, but still far enough away to keep from being grabbed, she is a ghost_ after all.
“Sadie?” I whispered. I didn’t mean to. I wanted to speak, but couldn’t find my voice. I blinked several times. It had been so long since I’d talked to her, let alone saw her.
“Yeah, you big dummy,” she grinned as she said that. It was always funny before, she knew I was not dumb. At least most of the time I wasn’t. I felt like I might be losing my mind right now.
She flicked another paperball. “Stop it,” I told her. Gwen giggled quietly.