Z's Story (The beginning )part 3
Leaving you in the first place was inexcusable, even if I can explain to myself why I did it. And now I find myself picking up the pieces of a life in ruins, trying to make the best of what’s left.
But this isn’t about me, it’s about you. You were the shining light in
my life from the day I met you. I came back to Pomona with nothing but a beat up truck and a TV, and I didn’t know why I had come or what I would do. Then I met you, and I felt as if I had found meaning to life again. But two weeks later I was throwing it all away again. I had so many opportunities, so many chances, and a chance to be with you, but I couldn’t see any of it. . Now I can, but it’s a year too late. I’ve stepped on so many people, missed so many opportunities.. but what hurts me the most is that I stepped on you, when all you did was love me.